Hospitals & Colleges

Large institutions such as Hospitals and Colleges are constantly on the lookout to save money while meeting all their sustainability goals and objectives. If you are a hospital or college in Eastern Massachusetts, Conigliaro Industries can help in a big way!
In business for over 22 years, we are uniquely qualified to serve the needs of your large and diverse organization - regardless of the number and size of your facilities or the number of employees, students or patients. We have helped colleges and hospitals reach 90% or better recycling rates while saving money along the way.
We recycle the widest array of materials, including easy materials such as corrugated cardboard and commingled containers as well as unique materials such as mattresses, carpet and ceiling tiles.
Conigliaro Industries offers many types and sizes of containers for use throughout your facilities to collect recyclables, from desk side to the loading dock. We know that one-size-fits-all service does not work for hospitals and colleges so we will pick up your recyclables at the frequency required, whether daily, twice-weekly, weekly, bi-weekly or on-call.
Best of all, we will track all your recycling activity at every stage and give your sustainability team access to the information real time over the internet. Simply put – our goal is help you reach your recycling goals, save money and meet local, state and federal recycling rules and regulations. A win, win, win!
Hospitals can recycle 150 different recyclables
with Conigliaro Industries, including: |
Corrugated Cardboard |
Commingled Containers |
Mixed Paper |
Metal items, including all types of hospital equipment |
Glass |
Mixed Operating Room Plastics |
Patient Care Plastics |
Broadloom Carpet and Carpet Tiles |
Mattresses and Box Springs |
Ceiling Tiles |
Renovation and Cleanout Debris |
Porcelain Toilets, tubs, sinks |
Re-roofing debris, including foam insulation and membrane |
Colleges can recycle 150 different recyclables
with Conigliaro Industries, including: |
Corrugated Cardboard |
Commingled Containers |
Mixed Paper |
Metal items, including all types of appliances and equipment |
Glass |
Mixed Plastics |
Broadloom Carpet and Carpet Tiles |
Mattresses and Box Springs |
Ceiling Tiles |
Renovation Debris |
Porcelain Toilets, tubs, sinks |
Re-roofing debris, including foam insulation and membrane |
Click here for a complete list of all 150 Materials recycled by Conigliaro Industries.
To learn more please call us at 888-CONIG-25 (888-266-4425) or email us at sales@conigliaro.com
What Our Customers Are Saying
- The 1990 Coastsweep Kickoff was a great success thanks to your support! Although the day got off to a rainy start, it certainly didn't dampen the spirits of the enthusiastic volunteers that came out to keep our Massachusetts beaches clean.
Conigliaro Industries contribution of adding a recycling component to the cleanup effort was invaluable. We appreciate your generosity and the cooperation displayed by your fine staff. Your concern and commitment to our environment and the community is a great example to other business leaders.
Coastsweep Kickoff
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Michael S. Dukakis,
former Governor
- "Through Conigliaro's cost effective and reliable service, we've been able to provide carpet reclamation services to more and more Bentley Prince Street customers in the New England area. Helping our customers divert their existing carpet from the landfill after installing new Bentley Prince Street carpet and carpet tile has been made easier and cheaper in the New England area through Conigliaro's container rentals, drop trailers, live load pickups, and carpet reclamation services. Thanks Conigliaro for helping Bentley Prince Street and our customers keep carpet out of the landfill!"
Sean Higbee, Sustainability Coordinator
Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital
Bedford, Massachusetts
Healthcare facilities generate the most unique and challenging waste streams possible. Atthe Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial Veterans Hospital, not only is our hospital waste stream diversified and unusual, our potential recyclables are as well. Our facility generates and recycles paper, cardboard, wood, glass, metal, plastics, rubber, textiles, construction and demolition debris, batteries, fluorescent lamps, and more. If it can be recycled, we are recycling it.
In June 1996, I approached Greg Conigliaro of Conigliaro Industries about developing a total recycling program. I knew nothing about recycling. Greg has a vast store of knowledge and an enthusiastic interest in sharing that knowledge. Step-by-step, Greg helped us put together a total recycling program.
Since our partnership, Conigliaro Industries and our dedicated hospital "Green Team" have developed one of the most successful hospital recycle programs in the country. Our recycle program won the MassRecycle Institutional Recycling Award. We were presented at The National Recycling Coalition two years in a row. We received two Certificates of Achievement from the Federal Environmental Executive and we have been nominated for the White House Closing the Circle 2000 Award. In fiscal year 1999, we recycled 950,564 pounds of materials, an incredible 46% of out total waste stream!
I cannot say enough about the leadership and professionalism of Greg Conigliaro and Conigliaro Industries.
David Maine, Environmental Care Specialist
- "Conigliaro has been a huge asset to the Town of Franklin spanning many departments in the DPW from recycling concrete buildings to expanding our Recycling Center offerings. We have added key products for recycling such as Styrofoam, mattresses, box springs and carpeting. Turn around is fast and service excellent."
Chris White, Solid Waste Coordinator, Franklin DPW
- Please allow me to take this opportunity to thank you for the very informative tour of your facilities. The courtesies extended to our group from MARSHALLS were deeply appreciated. I also found your explanation of each of the many tasks that you perform to be extremely interesting. Couple this with the sheer magnitude of your entire operation, it is clear why your company is a leader in its field.
Thank you again. We were all truly impressed.
Cory Lovett,
Maintenance Manager
Framingham, Massachusetts
- I wanted to take the time to thank Conigliaro Industries for helping us to recycle at the high school. Specifically, your company's efforts in helping us dispose consciously of over 1,000 old math text books is much appreciated.
Even more exciting is given the success of the recycling efforts of the Math Department, Framingham High School has decided to recycle even more textbooks on a school-wide basis.
Thanks again for your efforts. Keep up the great work in trying to conserve the limited resources that the world has to offer.
Framingham High School
Framingham, Massachusetts
Jeffrey Gaglione,
Math Department
- I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your services. I appreciate your quick response in the past to all pickup requests, as well as your efforts to keep the rates as low as possible for school systems. You have been a valuable resource on recycling and related issues.
Weston Public Schools
Weston, Massachusetts
Penny Theall,
Director of Food Services
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